I acquired broccoli seeds because I love broccoli, and I read that broccoli sprouts have large amounts of vitamins and minerals and 50 times the amount of a nutrient called sulforaphane, which is the reason broccoli is called a super food. It is also a cancer-fighting nutrient. The seeds sprouted in about a day and a half. They started to sprout so quickly that I didn't have time to build up a lot of anticipation. I came home from soccer practice the night following the day I had planted them and there were already tips of green. There is something tremendously satisfying about seeing the green of new growth and being responsible for it, and it also made me think about whether undernourished people throughout the world could be given tons of seeds for sprouting. Unfortunately, I don't find sprouts particularly delicious, but now that I know how healthy they are, I think it would be woth exploring ways to eat them with other things that cover up the taste and texture.
This Is A Makeup Assignment
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